Replicating to Backblaze B2

This guide will show you how to use Backblaze B2 as a database replica path for Litestream.

Create a bucket

To begin, you’ll need a bucket to store your data. If you don’t already have one set up in Backblaze, follow the steps below:

  1. From your Backblaze dashboard, go to My Account > Buckets
  2. Click “Create a Bucket”
  3. Enter a unique name for “Bucket Unique Name” and leave the remaining fields as their defaults.
  4. Click “Create a Bucket”
  5. Copy the bucket details to the appropriate places in your litestream.yml file:

You may want to change Lifecycle Settings to “Keep only the last version of the file” as Litestream files are immutable and don’t require versioning.

Screenshot of bucket settings in Backblaze B2

  - path: path-to-your-local-db-file
      - type: s3
        bucket: your-bucket-name
        path: db # change to whatever path you want
        endpoint: # change this
        force-path-style: true

Create a user

Next, create a user with programmatic access to the bucket you just created.

  1. From your Backblaze dashboard, go to My Account > App Keys
  2. Click “Add Application Key”
  3. In “Name of Key”, enter any unique name
  4. Under “Allow access to Bucket(s)” select the bucket you created above.
  5. Leave the remaining fields as their defaults.
  6. Click “Create new key”
  7. Copy the credentials to the appropriate places in your litestream.yml file
    • The keyID field is your access-key-id
    • The applicationKey field is your secret-access-key

Screenshot of user keys settings in Backblaze

access-key-id: your-backblaze-keyID
secret-access-key: your-backblaze-applicationKey

Configuration file

Your final litestream.yml configuration file should look like this:

access-key-id: your-backblaze-keyID
secret-access-key: your-backblaze-applicationKey

  - path: path-to-your-local-db-file
      - type: s3
        bucket: your-bucket-name
        path: db # change to whatever path you want
        endpoint: # change this
        force-path-style: true