Command: snapshots

The snapshots command lists snapshots available for a database or replica.


List by database

This command lists all snapshots across all replicas for a database specified in the Litestream configuration file:

litestream snapshots [arguments] DB_PATH

List by replica URL

This command lists all snapshots for a single replica URL. This approach is useful when you do not have a configuration file.

litestream snapshots [arguments] REPLICA_URL


-config PATH
    Specifies the configuration file.
    Defaults to /etc/litestream.yml

-replica NAME
    Optional, filters by replica.
    Only applies when listing database snapshots.

    Disables environment variable expansion in configuration file.


Database snapshots

List all snapshots across all replicas for the /var/lib/db database:

$ litestream snapshots /var/lib/db

Filter by replica name

Lists all snapshots for the /var/lib/db database but filters by the s3 replica:

$ litestream snapshots -replica s3 /var/lib/db

Replica URL snapshots

Lists all snapshots for a single replica URL:

$ litestream snapshots s3://